01 God Has Spoken | 02 What Is God Like | 03 Satan and the Angels | 04 How God Made the World | 05 Why God Created Man | 06 Adam & Eve & the Garden of Paradise | 07 How Sin Entered the World | 08 What Adam’s Sin Produced | 09 The Wonderful Promise | 10 Cain & Abel: the Way of Sacrifice | 11 Unrepentant Cain | 12 The Prophet Enoch | 13 The Prophet Noah: God’s Patience & Wrath | 14 Noah & the Great Flood | 15 Noah & the Faithfulness of God | 16 The Tower of Babel | 17 Review of “The Beginning” | 18 Why God Called Abraham | 19 Abraham, God’s Friend | 20 Abraham & Ishmael | 21 Sodom’s Ruin & Isaac’s Birth | 22 Abraham’s Sacrifice | 23 Esau & Jacob: the Temporal & the Eternal | 24 Jacob Becomes Israel | 25 Joseph’s Humiliation | 26 Joseph’s Exaltation | 27 Joseph: the Rest of the Story | 28 Review of the First Book of the Torah | 29 The Prophet Moses | 30 Moses Meets God | 31 Pharaoh: Who Is the Lord? | 32 The Plagues | 33 The Passover Lamb | 34 A Path Through the Sea | 35 Flood in the Desert | 36 Fiery Mount Sinai | 37 Ten Holy Commandments | 38 Purpose of the Commandments | 39 Broken Commandments | 40 The Tent of Meeting | 41 The Israelites’ Unbelief | 42 The Bronze Snake | 43 Moses’ Final Message | 44 Joshua & the Land of Canaan | 45 Judges & Ruth