This is the story of Abraham. We will see how God called him, gave him the covenant of cirucumcision, and promised him saying: “I will bless all the peoples because of you.” Also this story tells us about the children of Abrahm, Ismael and Isaac, and how God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son.

God Calls Abram | Abram & Sarai Go to Egypt | Abram and Lot Separate | Abram Rescues Lot | Melchizadek Blesses Abram | God's Covenant with Abram | Hagar and Ishmael | Covenant of Circumcision | God Promises Sara She Will Give Birth | God Destroys Sodom | Abraham and Abimelech | Isaac is Born | God Hears the Cries of Ishmael | Abraham and Abimelech Make a Treaty | God Tests Abraham's Faith | Sarah's Death | Isaac and Rebekah | Abraham's Death